Sunday, January 4, 2009

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Jacquelyn Hall, Southern women's history & oral history
Barbara Harris, Tudor, women, & family history

Deadline December 1st.
1. Official Transcripts from undergrad & graduate schools;
2. Writing Sample (thesis or portion of thesis);
3. Statement of Purpose. Commitment to study. Include any relevant details about your academic experiences, background, qualifications, or goals not already evident in other parts of the application. State independent research. Explains interest in study of history (and research interests). Specify clearly which field of History you wish to work in and with whom you would like to work if you attend UNC-CH.
4. At least 3 letters of recommendations;
5. GRE;
6. Application fee: $75.

Financial Aid: 5 years of financial support: tuition, health insurance, & an annual stipend ($14,400 for 2007-2008 academic year). The department also supplements this financial support with 3yrs of summer research funding. Exceptional applicants may be nominated for some of the 1yr & multi year competitive & prestigious fellowships awarded by the Graduate School at Chapel Hill.

Students with MAs: Have 2 fields of study: Major & Minor (2 courses). Become ABD in 4 semesters: language requirement (1st year), coursework, comprehensive exams, defend dissertation proposal.

Comprehensive exams: 1st year: take courses to help prepare you for your comprehensive exams & to build relationships with faculty members who will serve as your committee members. By end of 1st year, Compilation of reading lists, in consultation with the faculty examiners. Beginning of 2nd year: take comprehensive exam. Women & Gender History:
1. Purpose:
 Assess your competence to handle the sorts of large issues and trends that are part of both classroom teaching and professional historical discourse;
2. Preparation for Written Exam: 3 Exams with specific member of faculty. E
ach professor may pose the questions that she chooses, but you can expect that the questions posed will reflect your preparation with that member of the faculty. You'll not get your examination questions in advance, but you'll also not be totally surprised by questions you receive on the day of the examination.
3. Format for Written Exam:
 Each of 3 exams: 8 hours, get question to be answered, and what sources & aids are necessary. You may do your work wherever you like. Each exam word limit: 2500 words (10 pgs) and honor statement.
4. Scheduling: May take 3 exams separately but within 1st 2 weeks of semester.
5. Content: My Concentration: Women's history 1890-present
5a. GEOGRAPHICAL SPECIALTY. You will be examined on two adjacent time periods within general geographical area of your specialty;

5b. WOMEN'S HISTORY SPECIALIZATION. You write on your specialization in Women's History. You are responsible for the entire chronological spread of Women's History in US history;
5c. COMPARATIVE OR GLOBAL EXAMINATION. You answer one of the following: a question on Women's History in a geographical area outside your main specialization, a question on a comparative aspect of Women's History, or a question on a global aspect of Women's History.
6. Assessment: L (poor, must retake exam within 3 months), F (must retake exam within 6 months), L or F on 2+ parts will fail entire exam and must retake between 3-6 months after exam.
7. Additional Rules:
 Take History 209, 221, 222, and 387.

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